Start Your Music Career Successfully With These 4 Tips

Having a career in music can be extremely gruelling, especially if you’re trying to find your place in the industry. While a bit of luck and meeting the right people at the right time may play a role in your success, there are also several factors in your control. Don’t sit around waiting for opportunities to come to you – take matters into your hands and build the foundation for success in the music industry.

With that said, here are 4 things you should do to successfully jumpstart your music career. 

1. Establish your artist identity 

To distinguish yourself from other artists, it’s important that you establish who you are and create a brand for yourself. This may be difficult, but a simple way to understand yourself is by establishing who you aren’t. Your music won’t be for everyone, so having self-awareness helps you to reach people who are like-minded and will enjoy your music. Your artist identity will likely evolve over time, as you do as an individual. But it’s crucial to start with something that authentically represents you and build upon it as your career progresses.

 2. Build an online presence

In an ever-connected world, having an online presence is an excellent way to put yourself out there. However, this doesn’t mean that you can post whatever you’d like. Presentation is important as it reflects on how seriously you treat your music. Coming off as an amateur can cause people to subconsciously view you as someone who produces low quality work and isn’t worthy of attention.

Therefore, it’s worthy to invest in professional photographers and designers to ensure that you have good quality visual components, so you can grow a strong online presence.

 3. Find opportunities to perform live

As an upcoming artist, live performances are your opportunity to introduce yourself to people who’ve never heard of you and convert them into paying fans in the long run. Like with any other craft, you need to practice and gain experience to improve. The more you perform, the more comfortable you’ll be in live environments. Of course, you won’t be selling out arenas when you’re just starting out. Instead, begin by grabbing opportunities to perform at family gatherings or small gigs. Don’t underestimate the importance of live performances – they’ll provide you with a source of income in the future.

 4. Build your team

 In order to grow your career, you’ll need a team of professionals who can help you the run your business operations along with your creatives, among many other things. There’ll be certain tasks that you’re not the best at, and this is where you’ll need to find competent people who you can hand over control to. Networking is crucial in this aspect, as you can potentially recruit some of your contacts onto your team. Ultimately, you’ll need to trust the people on your team so you can work together with them towards making your music career flourish.

Some of the people you should consider on your team are managers, booking agents, marketing strategists, assistants and entertainment attorneys.


Keep these tips in mind to grow your music career as you advance in the industry. Nonetheless, it’s always crucial that you nail the basics of any craft before you can succeed in it. We offer music courses, including the best guitar classes in Singapore to help you build a strong foundation in music before you hit the stage.

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