Most marketers find it hard to decide whether to start video marketing or look for any other option. Simply speaking, if you are not choosing the video for your internet business, you might be left behind in the future. Here are the main reasons –
1. People rely on video before making decisions – Around 92% of prospects of B2B rely on online videos. Therefore, there are chances that your target audience is watching the video. It is also true that around 1/3rd of shoppers make purchase decisions after watching video ads.
2. Improve conversions – Some of the leading names in web markets like eBay and Amazon report that adding ads to a description can improve the chances of converting visitors into shoppers by around 35%.
3. People love to share videos – After watching video ads, people find the offers more valuable and interesting. Therefore, they share with their people on social media. Over 700 videos are shared every minute by Twitter users.
4. Video ads perform well to attract mobile users – There will be a large number of users who make decisions by watching videos on their mobile devices. Around 88% of short videos (i.e. up to 30 seconds long) are watched on mobile that are created by companies.
5. A great way to inform and educate – It consists of visual and audio elements that are appealing to several senses. They are really very effective when they are used for product demos and How-tos.