Methods For Curing Your Bloating Issues

Many people often experience excess gas after a meal. Whereas gas is a normal by-product of the digestive process, excess gas can cause bloating, discomfort and untold embarrassment when our bodies expel it. Excess gas is often caused by partially digested food, which cannot be absorbed into our systems, but sits in the digestive tract and ferments while awaiting expulsion from our tummies.

Most of the time, the solution to bloating issues lies within our diets and how we eat, from making dietary changes to modifying our eating habits.

Eat Like Our Ancestors

In early days, our ancestors had no refrigerators or specialized chemicals to aid in food preservation. Yet they had to survive through several days or weeks of drought or winter with the little food ration that was available. One way they survived is by fermenting the food.

Modern scientists have proven that fermentation is an excellent food preservation technique. But it does more than just help to preserve food. When food ferments, it develops friendly bacteria and enzymes that break down the elements of the food making it easier for our systems to digest and absorb. The end result is less semi-digested food in our gut and less gas and bloating issues.

Extend Your Meal Breaks

In contemporary times, the modern person has to spend long hours at work and generally lead a face paced, busy lifestyle. In fact, it is not a surprise if one is not able to have proper meal breaks or regular mealtimes in a day.

When we eat food too fast, we end up not chewing the food properly awhich is the first step in digestion. When we have large chunks of food in our guts, digestion is slower and less efficient. This results in excess gas and bloating issues.

What you can do is eat slowly and chew your food properly. Take a few sips of fluid in between. By doing this, you give the digestive enzymes in your gut a better chance of digesting and absorbing food elements, thus producing less gas.

Irregular Eating Times

Closely related to the point above is having breaks between your meals. With increased availability and easy accessibility to food, most people have an in-between-meals snack and even consume more snacks in between snack time.

Your gut will be on a constant work mode, breaking down “new food” while expunging the existing food. Your digestive enzymes will hardly get sufficient time to break down food for absorption resulting in gas and bloating. It is recommended that you have sufficient breaks between your meals with similar time intervals such as every four to five hours.

Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Today’s diets also include highly refined foods and processed food which does not provide adequate nutritional value for our bodies. The result is a less effective gut flora, which results in a less efficient digestive system. Aside from making changes to your diet such as including more fruits and vegetables, it is prudent to enhance your system – and your health – by taking additional nutritional supplements. For example, pineapple enzyme extract supplements can help in proper nutrition and digestion, as well as, support the functions of the immune system.

Digestive health supplements in Singapore, including natural enzyme supplements, will significantly improve your digestive system. When you combine supplements with the above steps, you will have complete breakdown and absorption of food, freeing you off bloating issues.

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