6 Tips To Follow When Shopping For A CCTV System

Although Singapore is one of the safest countries to live in, you still cannot be too sure when things might go wrong…

If you are thinking that commercial locations are more in-need of this extra expenditure than residential properties, you are mistaken. While shops, restaurants, warehouses and office environments are prone to important issues such as identity and property theft, a residential property is equally vulnerable to break-ins and other criminal activity. Following the age-old saying, “It is better to be safe than sorry”, you should start your search of CCTV systems to make sure that your surroundings are under surveillance at all times. Your hunt for the best CCTV system should start with the following factors in mind:

  • The Purpose & Area of Coverage

Although it is obvious that a CCTV system is used for 24-hour surveillance, the ‘purpose’ refers to the requirements that needs to be met based on the activities that need surveillance. For example, you may need a high quality, 1080 HD cam for banks where you need to enforce stricter controls because it involves money exchange and transactions. On the other hand, you will need a wide angle (130 degree) view CCTV camera for your home that covers a wider picture. The configuration changes, depending on whether the requirement is indoors or outdoors.

A professional CCTV company in Singapore will be in a better position to advise you on the CCTV system that will meet your purpose.

  • Poor Light Conditions

Many security system providers fail to address issues that involve poor light conditions. You need a CCTV system that provides clear and excellent images no matter how visible the environment is. Some of the best CCTV systems in Singapore offer high quality results regardless of whether it is indoors, outdoors or more importantly, the level of natural visibility that it has.

  • Remote Access

Going on a holiday? Not to worry because CCTV technology has advanced to a level where you can keep a close eye on your property or the secret safe that you have placed in your home. You can be aware of the live action with IP based CCTV systems that are used when you need to monitor your property remotely. It provides access through a smartphone or personal computer with the help of the Internet and keeps you in the loop.

Simpler, analog CCTV cameras that are not inclusive of these fancy features but still allow you to see a clearer image without having to spend more are also available.

  • Decide if You Need Motion Sensors

If you do not attract too much foot traffic, or any action you see is only during certain hours in the day, you are better off installing a CCTV camera that is powered by motion sensors. This means, the camera will only record something when there is movement in the area. This way you can save on storage space too, which brings us to the next factor, storage capacity.

  • Storage Capacity

It is important to understand your data needs or legal requirements to store CCTV footage, and for how long. Singapore is home to some of the world’s biggest corporations, therefore an SD card may not be the right choice. The better option for bigger companies would be to opt for external storage like an external hard drive instead.

  • The CCTV Systems Provider

You need a reliable company that advises you according to your needs and is fully capable of providing the best CCTV system. This also means that your choice of system should be full of features that cater to your requirements and is well configured. In addition to the variety of solutions and their affordability, the after sales service is also an important consideration.

Hint: Look for a provider that offers a maintenance program, as well as a warranty for both the device and its installation.

Make sure you purchase a CCTV system that is most ideal for you, whether it is in terms of budget or functionality. Follow these tips and you’ll be an expert in no time, regardless of whether you are a beginner or not when it comes to shopping for a CCTV system.

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